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Mulmul Cupro Silk Astita Wine Kurta With Astita Wine Sharara
Mulmul Cupro Silk Astita Wine Kurta With Astita Wine Sharara
Mulmul Cupro Silk Astita Wine Kurta With Astita Wine Sharara
Mulmul Cupro Silk Astita Wine Kurta With Astita Wine Sharara

Mulmul Cupro Silk Astita Wine Kurta With Astita Wine Sharara

Sale price ₹ 17,850
top size:XS
bottom size:XS .
dupatta:Amnayaa Dupatta Wine .

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The bold choice of colour wine goes extremely well with the Astita Kurta set for this festive season. The elegant golden belt is just an enhancement to the overall festive vibe. The elegant and all-glam embroidery on this set is something you can?Ÿ?›?›ƒ???ª?›ƒ???›t take your eyes off from. Drape our Amnaya Chandery Dupatta on both the sides to complete the look.

BOTTOM?Ÿƒ?????ÿLENGTH - 37"

In every size, the top and bottom lengths are an additional half inch